using the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit

Because we are a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO), donations made to Special Needs Solutions before April 15th can be taken as a dollar-for-dollar credit against your tax liability for 2023. Here is how to take advantage of this credit:

  1. Donate to Special Needs Solutions, online or by check before April 15th. (Up to $421 for an individual, $842 for a couple.) We will mail you a receipt.

  2. When you prepare your 2023 State taxes, simply complete Arizona Tax Form 321 and include it with your state tax return. (Here are the Form and Instructions.)

    Our QCO code: 22004

  3. You can also consult your tax professional for more information, or visit the ADOR website about the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

This is an easy way to direct a portion of your Arizona State taxes to a QCO you want to support. Contact us if you have questions. And thank you.